
Saturday, August 6, 2011

My 28th Birthday

“The years teach much which the days never knew.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

August 5 was my birthday and it was a good day. KK was supposed to have a playdate with one of his friends from church but I had to call the woman that it probably wouldn't be a good idea for her to come over so she suggested KK go to her house. She even picked him up and it was a great 2 and half hour break.

KK took a picture of me talking to Kayla's Mom

After KK returned I had to work for 5 hours. I was afraid KK would be too bored so we brought some toys. Which I am very grateful I did because I passed out from the pain medications. KK was entertained from his toys and this TV show. I heard him giggling and laughing as I drifted asleep. Yes, I am lucky enough to bring my child to work and take a nap if I need!

I was only suppose to work until 6 but the person who was going to relieve me wasn't able to and so I needed to stay until 7:30 but KK was getting restless so I called my dad to pick him up. My Dad takes KK every Friday night and KK was happy to leave with him.

After work, Mr H. and I got ready to go to Olive Garden. I ate this awesome pasta dish with steak and Gorgonzola sauce. It was very delicious. After eating we went and saw Harry Potter for the 2nd time. It was just as good as the 1st time.

Oh, and Mr H. got me this:



and this:

You know what they all have in common!? I can't use them until my ankle feels better! Sad...I know!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I really didn't like your first present though, the birthday eve one :-( Hope you get better are so well taken care of! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  2. Glad you had a decent birthday, although I'm sure it will finally be a real day of celebration when you can use all your gifts. Tom did a great job picking out some great ones!


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