Dear Family and Friends,
Mr H. has been working very hard these past 6 months due to the tornado/hail storm we had. He still works on cars but recently completed his first year of college. He is in the Paralegal program at the local Community College here in Ohio and he has been enjoying it very much. He has been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA, and we are very proud of him. The engine on Mr H.’s motorcycle gave up and so he has been very eagerly learning to fly to fill that void. He recently has been taking flying lessons to earn his PPL (Private Pilot’s License). He is almost done and we are very happy that he’s able to land the plane safely!
Everything out of Mr H.’s mouth is flying and legal jargon, so naturally, I have become quite good at tuning him out. Other things I tune out quite well are the kids…but we’ll get to them soon. I have completed another quarter of nursing school. I have 4 more left, yes, I am counting down! So far so good, although, I have NOT been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA, my sanity is worth more to me than a big fat 4.0. I am still working as a private home health aide. I take care of a woman who is 107 years old (that’s not a typo!). She’s a fire-cracker and takes care of herself for the most part. She does need help bathing and preparing meals (and this is where I come in). I love my job and will be sad to see it come to an end. I have learned so much from this ancient artifact…I mean, older woman.
G seems to be adjusting quite well to high school and has made a lot of new friends. He still enjoys playing the clarinet even though he is not in band this year. Besides lunch, his favorite class is Theater Arts where he plays with make-up, builds sets, and practices improv. G is active in the boy scouts and in his young men’s group at church.
KK has been learning his letters and numbers. He is preparing for Preschool which will start at the beginning of the year. He is very much into Transformers and Cars. He loves his baby cousin, JEM, and thinks that he needs a little sisters too! Ha-ha-ha, yea no! He loves to help mom bake and cook. He also thinks he’s the boss of the house.
We all have been healthy with no major illnesses or accidents. We are very grateful for that and hope and pray that 2012 will continue that way. We also hope and pray that all will go well with you and your families. Have a safe and happy holiday!
Great update...and (may I just say) you look AMAZING in that picture! Miss you girl, can't WAIT to see you next year!