Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Grandma's Visit
This last weekend KK's Grandma came and visited him. Well, she had some business to do here in town, but basically she enjoyed a weekend with KK. One thing that they did was the lighting of the Christmas tree and the parade...well, sort of. KK told her he was hungry and it would probably be a while longer before everything was over so they could go out to eat so they decided to leave to eat at Stake and Shake. But before they left they were able to take some pictures.
Posing in front of the Christmas tree

Those are really big treats!

Riding a Camel

Santa's Reindeer, KK was so excited!
KK's Check up
Since I have been in school I have had to postpone all of KK's and G's doctors and dentists appointments. Last week G and KK had dentists appointments at 7 in the morning [the day after I saw Breaking Dawn at midnight!]. G, instead of getting ready for the appointment, he left for school so I had to reschedule him. KK, on the other hand, kept his appointment and did very well while they took x-rays and cleaned his teeth. I was upset when the dentist told me that he had cavities on his back molars. We have been so diligent cleaning his teeth every night. But we're not as good with flossing and that is what did it...along with the fact that KK is a candy fend. Since the dentist was not a pediatric one we had to call and make an appointment with one. The pediatric dentist was about 20 mins away and the other dentist forgot to send the films with me, so they needed to take more x-rays just to confirm that yes, he had cavities. THAT'S ALL THEY DID! I was under the impression that they would fill them! I was a little irritated because their next opening was after the 1st of the year! I didn't want to wait that long! I asked if she had any cancellations for an earlier time and she had one about 3 hours later. So KK and I stopped and ate some breakfast and went shopping. 3 hours later we went to the appointment and KK got 3 of the 5 cavities filled. He did wonderful, I was told by the dentist...they wouldn't let any parents go in the back with the kids, which was a little weird! But anyway KK LOVED that dentist and I made another appointment for his next fillings and for his 6 month cleaning. I'm glad that he had a good time at the dentist, I was concerned that if he had a bad experience than he would never want to go back. I'm a little upset about the cavities and how many he had but they are just baby teeth and will fall out eventually. We'll just have to be better with flossing.
Today KK had a doctors appointment, his 5 year check up. He's doing beautifully. He has 20/25 vision and when they tested his hearing he went above and beyond. He would raise whichever hand he heard the noise. So if he heard it in his right ear he would raise his right hand. The Medical Assistant never asked him to distinguish which ear he heard it in...she just told him to raise his hand. It made me proud! On a sour note, KK had 3 shots [Dtap, Polio, MMRV], finger prick, and the flumist. His stats for his 5 year visit were:
Height: 41.5 inches which puts him in the 24%ile
Weight: 40.8 pounds which puts him in the 53%ile
BMI: 84%
BP: 86/48
He was very upset when he got the shots but he didn't flinch or move. He just watched them enter his arm and start to cry. Out of everything that was done, he complained of his finger prick the most. But once I got him a pink milk at Speedway, it made it all feel better! It's funny how little things like that can make it feel so much better!
Today KK had a doctors appointment, his 5 year check up. He's doing beautifully. He has 20/25 vision and when they tested his hearing he went above and beyond. He would raise whichever hand he heard the noise. So if he heard it in his right ear he would raise his right hand. The Medical Assistant never asked him to distinguish which ear he heard it in...she just told him to raise his hand. It made me proud! On a sour note, KK had 3 shots [Dtap, Polio, MMRV], finger prick, and the flumist. His stats for his 5 year visit were:
Height: 41.5 inches which puts him in the 24%ile
Weight: 40.8 pounds which puts him in the 53%ile
BMI: 84%
BP: 86/48
He was very upset when he got the shots but he didn't flinch or move. He just watched them enter his arm and start to cry. Out of everything that was done, he complained of his finger prick the most. But once I got him a pink milk at Speedway, it made it all feel better! It's funny how little things like that can make it feel so much better!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Family Tradition
When I was at 6th grade camp my parents wrote me a letter each day telling me how much they loved me and how much they were thinking of me. They also wrapped little gifts such as rice krispie treats, a Mariah Carey CD, and a coupon for a date, just me and them (which was a treat, having grown up in a house with six kids). I loved those letters. I still have the "date" one saved because I was never able to go on that date [Side Note - I've been thinking of showing it to my parents and telling them I want to redeem it now! lol]. I had to be picked up early from camp because I had thrown up twice the night before we left. But I LOVED those letter, it made me feel that even though I wasn't at home that my family still missed me and loved me too. Those letters meant so much to me. It's a family tradition to write each other letters when they go on a trip. We leave the letter in their suitcase so when they open their suitcase, there is the letter!
When I went on my honeymoon I wrote KK letters to let him know that I was still thinking of him even though I couldn't call or talk to him. My honeymoon was the longest I had ever gone without talking or being with him. So these letters were for him to know that I still loved him even though I couldn't be with him. As I was cleaning our laundry room I came across the letters I wrote to KK on my honeymoon. I want to always remember them.
I hope you had fun today. Did you play lots? And eat good food? Mom likes it when you eat good foods. Have you been playing with Gabe nicely? You BOTH need to mind your manners and try to be good for Mimi and Papa or there will be punishment. On a happier note, I miss you so much and can't wait to give you a BIG FAT hug and kiss when I see you next. If you feel sad because Mom is gone just read 3 Nephi 12:4. I love you very much. I can't wait to see you again!
Love Mom
P.S. I will be home in 3 days!
[RR and KK woke up early to go to SCC w/ Erin to get RR's transcripts! After that, we went home then RR go a call from her new job saying she had to get her fingerprints! Before we left, she bought me a cheeseburger happy meal w/ an Iron Man II toy! Everybody thought RR was my mommy and RR even played along because she bought McDonald's for G and AA :/ But that's okay. Then we went to WSU to turn in RR's transcripts! I was so tired but I was a very good boy for EVERYBODY :) She got me a Wendy's frosty. Then we went home and RR played songs on the guitar about Dora, and Wow Wow Wubzy, and about me! RR and I are also sleeping on the couches downstairs because I had a little accident in RR's bed :( But it's okay! I got to cuddle w/ RR all night on the couch even though she made me a place to sleep. I just love her so much! I also loved playing with her ipod and laptop. I got lots of compliments on my clothes today by people too! I love you mommy and I can't wait for you to be home!
Love, KK & RR
P.S. Erin took KK to the bathroom @ SCC and when he went out he said he had to go to the bathroom again because there was still a drop that had to come out! It made Erin's day. Now Tyler is over and we are going to go to bed!]
Have you brushed your teeth today? You better not forget to do that, we don't want your teeth to fall off. Have you been able to go to that Activity Park yet? I can't wait to give you lots of kisses when I get back. And guess what? I will bring you back something special but only if you are really good. Have you been good? I really hope so. I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you.
Love, Mom
P.S. I will be home in 2 days
[KK had an awesome day today. We got up early to drive RR to Walker Toyota to see about working after we showed her where it was, KK and Papa went to McDonalds for breakfast. We are in the playground and there was a boy there KK did not like. The boy left with his grandma. We ate and played, then Shack gave KK cookies. KK found a paper on the ground and gave it to Shack. Shack was happy. We played with the remote control car and then with James' bicycle pump. We did not get to the water park, but watched TV off and on. KK watered plants in back. KK and Shel lmade pizza. Yummy. KK had some strawberry milk with his pizza. Tyler came over. Papa told a story of a family with small boys that were preparing for a summer of travel with their race car, KK brushed his teeth and they sparkled. Papa layed down on the couch as KK played with his cars and told Papa short story of kids that wanted to race, but their Mom said, "No" and they said please and so she said, "Yes". They raced and then had chocolate ice cream. A few minutes later KK fell right to sleep next to his Papa. I sure love him - He misses his Mom, but actually he is doing ok. We miss you
Love, KK and Dadums
*Shack is a WWII vet who works at McDonalds for bowling money because his wife wont's give him any! He's the coolest old guy ever!]
What did you do today? Anything fun? I really hope you listen to your grandparents. I miss you tons - I wish that I could call you but I can't. But I will be home soon. I have a special surprise for you. And what if when we come home we'll go out to dinner or something. What do you think? Sound like a good idea? Maybe start thinking of a place we can go to eat, Okay!? I love you
Love, Mom
P.S. I will be home in 1 day
[Since RR is working, AA and G watched me today. I had lots of fun watching TV shows all by myself because I watched MY TV shows. Later in the day I helped Papa make JW a box so we can send him parts or his bike. I was playing with my scooter and G was riding his bike. When RR got home we had spaghetti, it was so yummy, I ate it all up! I had an accident again last night :/ Papa took me to the waterpark and we stayed till they shut the water off. It was nice and warm today. After the water park RR made me a bath. It was nice and warm too! Now we are getting ready for bed. I can't wait to see you and Mr H.! I love you guys!
Love, RR and KK]
guess what? Tomorrow I will be home. So go to sleep then when you wake up I will be home. So go nigh-night. I can't wait to hold and kiss and suddle with you. I have missed you tons. Have you thought about a place to eat? I have missed you tons but it is time for bed. In the morning we can open presents and hang out and I will give you lots of kisses.
Love, Mom
P.S. I'll be home tomorrow
[Hey KK noticed the TV was covered with a blanket for nite-nite. He said who covered the T.V. and I said the T.V. did cause it is tired. He said we have hands then said the T.V. doesn't have arms or hands and so who covered the T.V.?
Love, KK and Dadums]
When I went on my honeymoon I wrote KK letters to let him know that I was still thinking of him even though I couldn't call or talk to him. My honeymoon was the longest I had ever gone without talking or being with him. So these letters were for him to know that I still loved him even though I couldn't be with him. As I was cleaning our laundry room I came across the letters I wrote to KK on my honeymoon. I want to always remember them.
I hope you had fun today. Did you play lots? And eat good food? Mom likes it when you eat good foods. Have you been playing with Gabe nicely? You BOTH need to mind your manners and try to be good for Mimi and Papa or there will be punishment. On a happier note, I miss you so much and can't wait to give you a BIG FAT hug and kiss when I see you next. If you feel sad because Mom is gone just read 3 Nephi 12:4. I love you very much. I can't wait to see you again!
Love Mom
P.S. I will be home in 3 days!
[RR and KK woke up early to go to SCC w/ Erin to get RR's transcripts! After that, we went home then RR go a call from her new job saying she had to get her fingerprints! Before we left, she bought me a cheeseburger happy meal w/ an Iron Man II toy! Everybody thought RR was my mommy and RR even played along because she bought McDonald's for G and AA :/ But that's okay. Then we went to WSU to turn in RR's transcripts! I was so tired but I was a very good boy for EVERYBODY :) She got me a Wendy's frosty. Then we went home and RR played songs on the guitar about Dora, and Wow Wow Wubzy, and about me! RR and I are also sleeping on the couches downstairs because I had a little accident in RR's bed :( But it's okay! I got to cuddle w/ RR all night on the couch even though she made me a place to sleep. I just love her so much! I also loved playing with her ipod and laptop. I got lots of compliments on my clothes today by people too! I love you mommy and I can't wait for you to be home!
Love, KK & RR
P.S. Erin took KK to the bathroom @ SCC and when he went out he said he had to go to the bathroom again because there was still a drop that had to come out! It made Erin's day. Now Tyler is over and we are going to go to bed!]
Have you brushed your teeth today? You better not forget to do that, we don't want your teeth to fall off. Have you been able to go to that Activity Park yet? I can't wait to give you lots of kisses when I get back. And guess what? I will bring you back something special but only if you are really good. Have you been good? I really hope so. I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you.
Love, Mom
P.S. I will be home in 2 days
[KK had an awesome day today. We got up early to drive RR to Walker Toyota to see about working after we showed her where it was, KK and Papa went to McDonalds for breakfast. We are in the playground and there was a boy there KK did not like. The boy left with his grandma. We ate and played, then Shack gave KK cookies. KK found a paper on the ground and gave it to Shack. Shack was happy. We played with the remote control car and then with James' bicycle pump. We did not get to the water park, but watched TV off and on. KK watered plants in back. KK and Shel lmade pizza. Yummy. KK had some strawberry milk with his pizza. Tyler came over. Papa told a story of a family with small boys that were preparing for a summer of travel with their race car, KK brushed his teeth and they sparkled. Papa layed down on the couch as KK played with his cars and told Papa short story of kids that wanted to race, but their Mom said, "No" and they said please and so she said, "Yes". They raced and then had chocolate ice cream. A few minutes later KK fell right to sleep next to his Papa. I sure love him - He misses his Mom, but actually he is doing ok. We miss you
Love, KK and Dadums
*Shack is a WWII vet who works at McDonalds for bowling money because his wife wont's give him any! He's the coolest old guy ever!]
What did you do today? Anything fun? I really hope you listen to your grandparents. I miss you tons - I wish that I could call you but I can't. But I will be home soon. I have a special surprise for you. And what if when we come home we'll go out to dinner or something. What do you think? Sound like a good idea? Maybe start thinking of a place we can go to eat, Okay!? I love you
Love, Mom
P.S. I will be home in 1 day
[Since RR is working, AA and G watched me today. I had lots of fun watching TV shows all by myself because I watched MY TV shows. Later in the day I helped Papa make JW a box so we can send him parts or his bike. I was playing with my scooter and G was riding his bike. When RR got home we had spaghetti, it was so yummy, I ate it all up! I had an accident again last night :/ Papa took me to the waterpark and we stayed till they shut the water off. It was nice and warm today. After the water park RR made me a bath. It was nice and warm too! Now we are getting ready for bed. I can't wait to see you and Mr H.! I love you guys!
Love, RR and KK]
guess what? Tomorrow I will be home. So go to sleep then when you wake up I will be home. So go nigh-night. I can't wait to hold and kiss and suddle with you. I have missed you tons. Have you thought about a place to eat? I have missed you tons but it is time for bed. In the morning we can open presents and hang out and I will give you lots of kisses.
Love, Mom
P.S. I'll be home tomorrow
[Hey KK noticed the TV was covered with a blanket for nite-nite. He said who covered the T.V. and I said the T.V. did cause it is tired. He said we have hands then said the T.V. doesn't have arms or hands and so who covered the T.V.?
Love, KK and Dadums]
Monday, November 14, 2011
Oh KK!
After showing KK what we were having for dinner this is the conversation that happened:
Mom: We are having meatballs
KK: You're the best mom, I LOVE meatballs!
[I show him the meatballs in the crockpot]
KK: Mom, I told you that I don't like THOSE meatballs, it smells gross
Mom: Well, guess what?
KK: what?
Mom: They have jelly in them
KK: Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like jelly!
Mom: KK you love jelly
KK: I don't like jelly on my meatballs!
Mom: Well, I was jelly!
KK: No you weren't joking
Mom: Just try a you want me to feed it to you?
[He smiles and sits on my lap and tries a bite]
KK: Mom, I told you that these are my favorite meatballs! Can I have some more!?
Mom: Yeah KK, you can have more!
We had meatballs with chili sauce and grape jelly mixed, homemade macaroni and cheese, and sugar glazed carrots. KK is so finicky about his food and doesn't like to try new things. These meatballs he has never had before, but I guess he liked them cause he ate 5! Plus a huge scoop of mac n cheese and carrots.
Also tonight...Mr H. came over and gave me a kiss and KK looks at us and says "You can do open mouth kisses mom!" Mr H. and I laugh and KK continues to say, "because you're married!" Man, I love this boy!
Mom: We are having meatballs
KK: You're the best mom, I LOVE meatballs!
[I show him the meatballs in the crockpot]
KK: Mom, I told you that I don't like THOSE meatballs, it smells gross
Mom: Well, guess what?
KK: what?
Mom: They have jelly in them
KK: Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like jelly!
Mom: KK you love jelly
KK: I don't like jelly on my meatballs!
Mom: Well, I was jelly!
KK: No you weren't joking
Mom: Just try a you want me to feed it to you?
[He smiles and sits on my lap and tries a bite]
KK: Mom, I told you that these are my favorite meatballs! Can I have some more!?
Mom: Yeah KK, you can have more!
We had meatballs with chili sauce and grape jelly mixed, homemade macaroni and cheese, and sugar glazed carrots. KK is so finicky about his food and doesn't like to try new things. These meatballs he has never had before, but I guess he liked them cause he ate 5! Plus a huge scoop of mac n cheese and carrots.
Also tonight...Mr H. came over and gave me a kiss and KK looks at us and says "You can do open mouth kisses mom!" Mr H. and I laugh and KK continues to say, "because you're married!" Man, I love this boy!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I was reminiscing on my life and the things that I have overcome, succeeded, lost, and been gratified with. There are so many things I want to say, but will save it for my personal journal. But the one person who has stuck by me through the thick and thin of it all is KK. He was my rock when the world around me was crumbling. He was the light in the darkest part of my life. He was the reason I woke up in the morning, the reason I continued school. He's the reason I am still pursuing an education. He's my everything. I love him in his times of happiness and even in his times of complete terror. I am grateful that Heavenly Father saw fit for me to be his mom. I wasn't ready to be a mom at that time. I wanted to wait a couple more years, but I am glad that he came down to earth almost 5 years ago.
I was looking at old pictures and came across this one. I took it 4 years ago today:

He has grown and will continue to grow. Today, after church, he told me about his Sunday school lesson and he said, "...there were these missionaries who had weed [long pause] and they planted this weed to make it grow but the grasshoppers ate the weed and the seagulls ate the grasshoppers. Mom, I really liked that story, can you read that to me tonight!?" First of all, I was thinking "Missionaries had weed!? What are they teaching him!?" But after I understood more of what he was saying I knew what story he was talking about. He has grown into such a wonderful boy. I am excited to see what the future holds for him.
I was looking at old pictures and came across this one. I took it 4 years ago today:

He has grown and will continue to grow. Today, after church, he told me about his Sunday school lesson and he said, "...there were these missionaries who had weed [long pause] and they planted this weed to make it grow but the grasshoppers ate the weed and the seagulls ate the grasshoppers. Mom, I really liked that story, can you read that to me tonight!?" First of all, I was thinking "Missionaries had weed!? What are they teaching him!?" But after I understood more of what he was saying I knew what story he was talking about. He has grown into such a wonderful boy. I am excited to see what the future holds for him.
5 Things You Didn't Know About G
I found out on Friday that G has an admirer who has "Googled" him and found out about this blog so I thought this would the best time to list the 5 things you didn't know about G -- I won't be too embarrassing! Haha
G takes a longer shower than Mr H., KK, and I put together. He likes taking "hour-showers" as we call it. Who knows what he's doing in there and why, but he once took all of the hot water from our house. I took a shower about 15 minutes after him and there was absolutely NO hot water left, I was a little frustrated and now we time his showers and we'll turn off the water if he goes over.
G is so scared of spiders. Occasionally we'll find a spider in the house and he screams like a little girl, more so than me (and I really do not like spiders). He just tenses and freaks out
When he would race BMX as a little kid, he would ALWAYS be beat by a little girl named Lexi.
G has disgusting fat guy farts. His farts sound like each individual bubble is struggling to exit his butt cheeks. (I know this is gross to read, but it's true)
G is very talented when it co,es to playing music. His love is with music and I hope that always continues.

This was the only recent picture I could find of G. Him and KK were playing around ion the tractor equipment at the pumpkin patch.
This was the only recent picture I could find of G. Him and KK were playing around ion the tractor equipment at the pumpkin patch.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
For Grandma Lisa
This is the video of KK saying his part for the primary program...enjoy!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
KK's Friends
KK has an active imagination. He has a lot of friends who are imaginary. KK was really upset and on the verge of tears tonight before bed and I asked what was going on and he told me that:

Shark had a broken arm and the doctors didn't know how to glue it back on. Shark was KK's first imaginary friend . They would have races all over the house

All of Dirt's super heroes disappeared after the car accident in California and Dirt had to stay in California to look for them. I asked if I could help look for them but he told me that we would have to make a trip out to California.

Snake's neck is broken and he is in the hospital. We can't go visit him because the doctor's don't know what to do.
There was one more friend, named Silly Laugher, and KK became very emotional with this friend and started crying because his leg is broken and he can never walk again. He proceeded to tell me that this is his favorite friend and they'll never be able to play now.
It was the saddest/cutest thing in the world to watch KK get so emotional with his friends. I hugged him and told him that everything was alright and we could say a little prayer for his friends. He didn't calm down until I was singing him church songs from primary. Sometimes he get's like this once in a while, where something just hits a nerve with him and sends him over the emotional edge. I think the biggest reason for tonight was because he was overly was 10 and he lays down at 8:15 I also think he's had a hard time while I've been at school and when I'm at home doing homework. He gets a little upset that i am not able to focus my time on him like I used to. I try and make time everyday to do something fun with him. Like today we played chutes and ladders [of course KK won!]. I also made time to read 6 books and cuddle with him in bed as he told me what was going on with his friends.
I really love KK and I am so grateful that he picked me to be his mother. He has an awesome personality and fun spirit. He makes me laugh on a daily basis. He's very smart and eager to learn. I am eager to see the kind of man he grows up to be.

Shark had a broken arm and the doctors didn't know how to glue it back on. Shark was KK's first imaginary friend . They would have races all over the house

All of Dirt's super heroes disappeared after the car accident in California and Dirt had to stay in California to look for them. I asked if I could help look for them but he told me that we would have to make a trip out to California.

Snake's neck is broken and he is in the hospital. We can't go visit him because the doctor's don't know what to do.
There was one more friend, named Silly Laugher, and KK became very emotional with this friend and started crying because his leg is broken and he can never walk again. He proceeded to tell me that this is his favorite friend and they'll never be able to play now.
It was the saddest/cutest thing in the world to watch KK get so emotional with his friends. I hugged him and told him that everything was alright and we could say a little prayer for his friends. He didn't calm down until I was singing him church songs from primary. Sometimes he get's like this once in a while, where something just hits a nerve with him and sends him over the emotional edge. I think the biggest reason for tonight was because he was overly was 10 and he lays down at 8:15 I also think he's had a hard time while I've been at school and when I'm at home doing homework. He gets a little upset that i am not able to focus my time on him like I used to. I try and make time everyday to do something fun with him. Like today we played chutes and ladders [of course KK won!]. I also made time to read 6 books and cuddle with him in bed as he told me what was going on with his friends.
I really love KK and I am so grateful that he picked me to be his mother. He has an awesome personality and fun spirit. He makes me laugh on a daily basis. He's very smart and eager to learn. I am eager to see the kind of man he grows up to be.
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