# 67 ✔
July 4, 2011Today was a LONG day so this will probably be a long post with lots of pictures.
Mr H. went in to work for the morning because there was a lot to do because of the
hail damaged cars. He wanted to try and get ahead on all the work he had this week for a nice paycheck which we haven't had in over 3 months. So in order to get caught up on our bills he went to work in the morning.
In Centerville, there is an Americana festival every 4th of July, there are booths, food, games, petting zoo, bouncing houses, and lots and Lots and LOTS of people. This year we missed the parade and just went to the booths. Our
church has a booth where they take pictures of families and people can decorate frames. They also were handing out Popsicles because it was so hot outside.

There were other booths where KK played a game and won a little prize. While KK played a game I got my nails painted red, white, and blue by this little old lady from Germany who was so nice, but should not have been painting nails as mine did not come out well. But it was the thought that counted and it was free so nothing lost.
After looking at all the booths KK wanted to go to the bouncy houses. So we stood in line and he was able to go on the huge slide, the obstacle course, and the princess bouncy house. He was having so much fun.

Next, we went to the petting zoo. They had all sorts of animals to touch and feed. I told KK just to look, but he didn't listen to me. The petting zoo was under a large tent and there were a lot of people crammed in looking at all of the animals.
He was so super excited to see all of the animals
He liked the tortoise!
Did I mention that there were a lot of people!?
Good, because there were so much so that I lost KK for about 3 LONG mins. I was waiting in line for KK to ride an animal and I was watching him like a hawk until there was a group of people who got in my way for a couple seconds and once they moved KK wasn't there anymore. I waited a couple seconds thinking that he would pop back up, but he never did. My heart fell into my stomach and I start panicking. I run over to the last place I saw him and I'm searching everywhere. I start yelling his name and looking at every little kid his size. My voice was cracking when I yelled. I thought to myself, "What am I supposed to do!? Who would I contact to spread the word that he is lost? He's wearing blue shorts...EVERY little boy here is wear blue shorts. Oh God, please let me find him, please let him be ok!" Then it was like out of nowhere I caught a glimpse of his shoes and I pushed my way through the crowd and there he was in the middle of the petting zoo tent looking at some bunnies. I grabbed his arm and he protested but walked with me. I walked out of the tented area and under a tree and just collapsed. I couldn't take a step further. KK asked looking very concerned, "Do you not feel well Mommy!?" "No, KK I don't!" Then he said, "Well, you should call Mimi and Papa so they can come pick you up!" He wanted to go back into the petting zoo, but I bribed him with fruit snacks to not rush me standing or walking. I was so shaken that I couldn't even open the package of fruit snacks. After about 10 mins I felt ok to stand and asked KK if we could just go home...he didn't argue.
Sitting under the tree
But before we left he got a balloon hat. He wanted it to be pink (his favorite color) and I heard someone say something about if their son ever wanted something pink...blah blah blah I didn't listen to the rest because people are dumb. KK loves pink and there's NOTHING wrong with that!

After the festival my parents, A, KK, and I went to Chili's for lunch. Mr H. called and said he was done for the day and I invited him to come eat with us. He told me that he found a great deal on a SUV and he wanted me to come check it out.
So after we ate, I test drove the SUV and really liked it. It was very nice but was thinking, "I JUST paid off my car! I don't want another car payment! But I also know that Mr H's van is a POS and what if it dies soon and we really would need to get a car and these kinds of deals do not happen all of the time!" So I toyed around with the idea of getting it...we talked to the salesman and crunched numbers. I didn't feel comfortable with the numbers and I told Mr H. we should think and talk about it at home.
Once at home I made red, white and blue jello, I didn't know how it would turn out but I thought I would try anyway!

RP invited us to his house for the fireworks but on the way KK fell asleep. He was so tired from all the excitement this morning.

RP's house is so close to the fireworks that we walked. I brought a glow-in-the-dark necklace and some sparklers to entertain KK until the fireworks started. It's a good thing I did because they were a half hour late getting started.
Waiting for the fireworks
He loved the sparklers
Happy Boy!
Oh RP!
Me and my Babes
The fireworks finally started
Halfway through the show he told me that he was tired and asked
if I could hold his ears shut cause it was so loud
During the grand finale he woke up and got really excited. Once the fireworks were done we walked back to RP's house and had some of the red, white, and blue Jello. It was actually really good. I enjoyed it very much. After we were done eating it we buckled KK in the car seat and drove home and fell asleep. We all were tuckered!