I gave a talk at church on the 20th. I was nervous and the last time I gave a talk was about 3 years ago and I was in a very different place in my life. The talk on the 20th was from the last General Conference by Quentin L. Cook titled Let There Be Light!. When I first was told what I would be talking about I thought, "Great! Another talk about how to let your light shine and be that light in a world of darkness" But that's not entirely what I came out thinking after the talk. One of the biggest ideas I came away with was that we should "blackout" our homes from evil...close the curtains, shut the door, and blackout evil. Our homes should be a refuge from those evils. I'm not going to bore you with everything I said in the talk but there are a couple quotes I wanted to put in here:
"Think about the impact [honesty has] on society if youth didn’t cheat in school, if adults were honest in the workplace and were faithful to their marriage vows. For us the concept of basic honesty is grounded in the life and teachings of the Savior."
"The moral foundation of our doctrine can be a beacon light to the world and can be a unifying force for both morality and faith in Jesus Christ. We need to protect our families and be at the forefront together with all people of goodwill in doing everything we can to preserve light, hope, and morality in our communities."
I am glad and grateful for the opportunity to give this talk. I was able to break out of my shell a little bit and talk in front of people...which I do not like to do. I am grateful for the church and the principles it teaches. I am very thankful that families can be together forever. I love my family and I couldn't imagine ever being without them.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Adding to the Scary Post
My mom found out what happened to Mr H. and called me yesterday. I told her everything and how much it freaked me out. KK was jumping around on the bed and I proceeded to tell mom that I would have stitched Mr H. up with my stitch kit if I had some lidocaine, but I don't have any lidocaine. KK stops mid jump and looks at me with very serious eyes and says, "Mom, but we have Lion King!" My mom heard him on the other end and we both about died laughing.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Calm Before the Storm
We've been having a pretty good spring break. Mr H. had his finals last week and ended up with a 96.68% and a 98.65% in his classes. I am very proud of him.
We both start our classes on Monday. Good Luck to us...Mr H. is working full time, I'm working part time, we both are taking 8 credits, and shuffling the 2 boys around is going to make us crazy this quarter. We'll make it though! I almost feel that this is the Calm before the storm and we are enjoying every minute of it.
Orthostatic Hypotension Vasovagal Syncope Episode
You're asking me what is this? Let me break it down...Orthostatic Hypotension is what happens when you stand up too fast and you feel dizzy or like you're going to pass out. Vasovagal has to deal with the vagal nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Syncope is when you actually pass out.
I let Mr H. take a nap this afternoon...he works hard and I think he deserves to take a nap when he is tired. While he was napping I was checking on G making sure he was studying. G had a Saturday school today and was a little butt-hurt that I was making him study even though he studied for a whopping 3 hours in Saturday School. KK was with my parents and since I had a semi-quiet house I poppd in a movie to watch. After the movie, I checked on G and he was sleeping. SLEEPING! I told him maybe he should study at the dining room table to help him not sleep. After not listening to me and adding 2 more days onto his grounding G decided he should go to the table. He was being G and started saying some mean things to me which Mr H. had heard from the bedroom and Mr H. came rushing into the room and started scolding G.
Then all of a sudden Mr H. slumped over the table and then sort of leaned over and face-planted into the floor vent. I freaked out...called his name. He didn't respond. My heart sank. G was still sitting at the table still mad that we were getting on his case...he wasn't observant as to what was going on with his dad. I told G to move...to give me more room. I rolled Mr H. over...his ashen face and his eyes rolling in the back of his head made me tell G to grab the phone and call 911. G was just sitting on the couch still pissed off at us. I got up, ran to my room, and grabbed the phone. I leaped back over to Mr H., who was now conscious and profusely bleeding from his head. Mr H. asked what happened? He was wondering why he laid down on the floor to finish his nap. His face wasn't so grey and his color was returning. G brought me a wet wash cloth to wipe up the blood that was now seeping into his hair. I was shaking so hard and my heart was pounding. I told Mr H. that he probably needs stitches and he told me, "Naw, that's what tape's for!" That statement helped me to know that he was feeling better. For about an hour Mr H. was still looking very pale and I made him sit and eat something and drink some water. Now he feels back to normal. I am concerned about him. I hope that was an isolated incident! The only thing that I can think of to make him do that is standing up too quickly and then getting upset with G and raising his voice which can increase the blood flow to his head. But his blood vessels couldn't adapt quickly enough to the increased blood flow and he went down. Let's hope this doesn't happen again. I don't want to experience something scary ever again!
I let Mr H. take a nap this afternoon...he works hard and I think he deserves to take a nap when he is tired. While he was napping I was checking on G making sure he was studying. G had a Saturday school today and was a little butt-hurt that I was making him study even though he studied for a whopping 3 hours in Saturday School. KK was with my parents and since I had a semi-quiet house I poppd in a movie to watch. After the movie, I checked on G and he was sleeping. SLEEPING! I told him maybe he should study at the dining room table to help him not sleep. After not listening to me and adding 2 more days onto his grounding G decided he should go to the table. He was being G and started saying some mean things to me which Mr H. had heard from the bedroom and Mr H. came rushing into the room and started scolding G.
Then all of a sudden Mr H. slumped over the table and then sort of leaned over and face-planted into the floor vent. I freaked out...called his name. He didn't respond. My heart sank. G was still sitting at the table still mad that we were getting on his case...he wasn't observant as to what was going on with his dad. I told G to move...to give me more room. I rolled Mr H. over...his ashen face and his eyes rolling in the back of his head made me tell G to grab the phone and call 911. G was just sitting on the couch still pissed off at us. I got up, ran to my room, and grabbed the phone. I leaped back over to Mr H., who was now conscious and profusely bleeding from his head. Mr H. asked what happened? He was wondering why he laid down on the floor to finish his nap. His face wasn't so grey and his color was returning. G brought me a wet wash cloth to wipe up the blood that was now seeping into his hair. I was shaking so hard and my heart was pounding. I told Mr H. that he probably needs stitches and he told me, "Naw, that's what tape's for!" That statement helped me to know that he was feeling better. For about an hour Mr H. was still looking very pale and I made him sit and eat something and drink some water. Now he feels back to normal. I am concerned about him. I hope that was an isolated incident! The only thing that I can think of to make him do that is standing up too quickly and then getting upset with G and raising his voice which can increase the blood flow to his head. But his blood vessels couldn't adapt quickly enough to the increased blood flow and he went down. Let's hope this doesn't happen again. I don't want to experience something scary ever again!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
August 18, 2010
It's about time I finish my honeymoon stories. On the 18th we ported at CocoCay, Bahama's. It's an island that only Royal Caribbean owns. We had to port in the middle of the ocean and shuttle to the island on a boat.
We got to the island and gathered our snorkling equipment and went to rent a locker then realized that we had to actually pay for it and not just credit it to our account like we had thought. So I laid in the nice hot sun while Mr H. ran back to our ship to get some money. He must have been gone a while because I fell asleep waiting. Once he was back we took pictures. Like these ones:
After the pictures and getting our valuables put in the locker, it was time for snorkling. Can I just say:
It's so much fun! We were able to see a whole lot of different things. We were so engrossed at what we were looking at that we went beyond the boundaries and a lifegaurd on a wave runner had to tell us to go back...Oops! Here are a couple of things we saw:
Sea Urchin
Jelly Fish
1st Sting Ray
After swimming for a while we took a break and sat down in the shade...I was looking for shells on the white sand and I was doing quite well. Until I picked up one and claws came out and wrapped around my finger...it scared the crap out of me. It was a little hermit crab. It was so totally cool (after my heart stopped beating out of my chest).
Once our "break time" was over. We went continued swimming in the water. We found some more things while scavenging the ocean like:
Ship Wreck
Swimming with TONS of Fish
2nd Sting Ray
After our little rendezvous we decided to return our equipment and get something to eat. But unfortunately we were too late and lunch was already served and over with. We hadn't eaten or drank anything from about 9am to 2pmish. It was so hot and being in the ocean just made us so thirsty and luckily we found a fountain of water to drink from. Surprisingly we weren't hungry so we walked around the souvenir shops and bought a photo album. After looking around and finding nothing more to see we loaded onto the boat to take us to the ship. Once we were on the boat I knew this wasn't going to be good. I felt the boat rolling with the motion of the ocean and I knew I was in BIG TROUBLE! I looked for a seat close to the edge of the boat because I knew I was going to be sick. Unlucky for me...it was packed so we sat and I just prayed that I wouldn't "get sick". The boat transferring us have two levels and we were on the bottom and at least it was a little cooler and in the shade, but that didn't help very much. There was so much rolling...and rolling...and rolling. Once we parked next to our ship the boat unloaded the top level first...I couldn't wait for them to unload us so I ran to the front of the boat and hopped over the gate that we weren't supposed to cross until a boatmen opened it and once I was off the boat I felt a tiny bit better that I wasn't rolling anymore. But I wasn't out of the woods just yet. I had to wait in line to have a gaurd check and scan each and every person trying to get back onto the ship. As I was standing there my field of vision was disappearing I was swallowing hard to try to keep whatever it was from coming up. Once I was cleared to get on the ship...I sprinted to our room and into the bathroom were I could finally stop trying so hard to keep it down and I just let it come up until I was coughing and choking. I was laying on the cold bathroom floor thinking that I was going to die. Mr H. finally got to the room and I told him we needed food and water and that I needed a cold shower.
After cleaning the sand from hidden places in the cold shower I started feeling A LOT better. When Mr H. was in the shower and I was putting on my clothes I realized that I was burned REAL bad (I didn't realized just HOW bad until that night). Once we were clothed we went to eat and drink to replenish what we lost having fun in the ocean.
Later that night, my skin hurt so bad that I couldn't even sit down...it hurt so bad I would cry. And aloe was NOT packed...not my fault though, I didn't know where we were going. We paid $13 on the ship for some aloe though which worked out. Both Mr H. and I were burned to a crisp. I was in so much pain that I asked Mr H. to give me a Priesthood Blessing. And can I just pause for a moment and tell you how grateful I am for the priesthood and the blessings that have been recieved because of it. I am grateful that my husband takes the time to serve others...but esspecially his family. I love you Mr H.! So after the blessing I still felt awful but Mr H. suggested we go see the comedian to take our minds off of the pain and it worked for an hour but going to bed was torture. We hardly slept at all, we missed home, and were in pain. It was a good thing that it was the last night on the ship.
Next time I think we will be more mindful of the time and not be out in the ocean that long. Surprisingly we DID have sunblock on...but we need to remember to REAPPLY. Always rehydrate ourselves. I think we'll need a little better planning next time...and YES there will be a next time!
Swimming with TONS of Fish
2nd Sting Ray
After our little rendezvous we decided to return our equipment and get something to eat. But unfortunately we were too late and lunch was already served and over with. We hadn't eaten or drank anything from about 9am to 2pmish. It was so hot and being in the ocean just made us so thirsty and luckily we found a fountain of water to drink from. Surprisingly we weren't hungry so we walked around the souvenir shops and bought a photo album. After looking around and finding nothing more to see we loaded onto the boat to take us to the ship. Once we were on the boat I knew this wasn't going to be good. I felt the boat rolling with the motion of the ocean and I knew I was in BIG TROUBLE! I looked for a seat close to the edge of the boat because I knew I was going to be sick. Unlucky for me...it was packed so we sat and I just prayed that I wouldn't "get sick". The boat transferring us have two levels and we were on the bottom and at least it was a little cooler and in the shade, but that didn't help very much. There was so much rolling...and rolling...and rolling. Once we parked next to our ship the boat unloaded the top level first...I couldn't wait for them to unload us so I ran to the front of the boat and hopped over the gate that we weren't supposed to cross until a boatmen opened it and once I was off the boat I felt a tiny bit better that I wasn't rolling anymore. But I wasn't out of the woods just yet. I had to wait in line to have a gaurd check and scan each and every person trying to get back onto the ship. As I was standing there my field of vision was disappearing I was swallowing hard to try to keep whatever it was from coming up. Once I was cleared to get on the ship...I sprinted to our room and into the bathroom were I could finally stop trying so hard to keep it down and I just let it come up until I was coughing and choking. I was laying on the cold bathroom floor thinking that I was going to die. Mr H. finally got to the room and I told him we needed food and water and that I needed a cold shower.
After cleaning the sand from hidden places in the cold shower I started feeling A LOT better. When Mr H. was in the shower and I was putting on my clothes I realized that I was burned REAL bad (I didn't realized just HOW bad until that night). Once we were clothed we went to eat and drink to replenish what we lost having fun in the ocean.
Later that night, my skin hurt so bad that I couldn't even sit down...it hurt so bad I would cry. And aloe was NOT packed...not my fault though, I didn't know where we were going. We paid $13 on the ship for some aloe though which worked out. Both Mr H. and I were burned to a crisp. I was in so much pain that I asked Mr H. to give me a Priesthood Blessing. And can I just pause for a moment and tell you how grateful I am for the priesthood and the blessings that have been recieved because of it. I am grateful that my husband takes the time to serve others...but esspecially his family. I love you Mr H.! So after the blessing I still felt awful but Mr H. suggested we go see the comedian to take our minds off of the pain and it worked for an hour but going to bed was torture. We hardly slept at all, we missed home, and were in pain. It was a good thing that it was the last night on the ship.
Next time I think we will be more mindful of the time and not be out in the ocean that long. Surprisingly we DID have sunblock on...but we need to remember to REAPPLY. Always rehydrate ourselves. I think we'll need a little better planning next time...and YES there will be a next time!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
So, most people know that I love crafts. I have recently gotten the courage to start quilting. Mr H’s mom picked my name for Christmas and gave me some really awesome things to get me started. To say that Mr H’s mom can quilt would be an understatement. She is so talented with the quilting she does. She made me a beautiful quilt when Mr H and I were dating (I don’t even think she made one for Mr H’s ex-wife…and they were married for 10 years!).

So I have most all the supplies that I need to get started. I brought KK with me to the fabric store and I let him choose 4 patterns of fabric and I was going to make him a blanket…he chose 4 and I made him a rag blanket. He loves it and the colors kind of match together. I like to shop in the remnants area. I found some fleece remnants and decided to get them but I didn’t know what to do. They were too small to make a blanket with…but if I cut them and sewed them together it could make a rather large blanket. So that’s what I did. And as I was deciding how to do the pattern KK would roll around on top of the squares.
He kept telling me, “thank you for making this blanket for me”. Because pink is one of his favorite colors, he thought that this blanket was for him. It’s really not for anyone; it was just a blanket throw to do. KK keeps sneaking it into his room and gets upset when other people use it so I have, since then, put it away in a holiday tote to be brought out again next year close to Valentine’s Day.

So I have most all the supplies that I need to get started. I brought KK with me to the fabric store and I let him choose 4 patterns of fabric and I was going to make him a blanket…he chose 4 and I made him a rag blanket. He loves it and the colors kind of match together. I like to shop in the remnants area. I found some fleece remnants and decided to get them but I didn’t know what to do. They were too small to make a blanket with…but if I cut them and sewed them together it could make a rather large blanket. So that’s what I did. And as I was deciding how to do the pattern KK would roll around on top of the squares.
Our So-Called Valentine's Day
Mr H. and I really do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. I honestly do not see the point…it is just another hallmark holiday for people to spend money on wasteful items. And shouldn’t you ALWAYS be showing your sweetheart that you love them every day and not just once a year!? Anyway, I like the day AFTER holidays because then you can get those same items at 50% less than the day of the holiday. Such as chocolate Hershey kisses (which Zero ate, btw…) or assorted boxed chocolates (which Mr H. loves and I think are really gross). Even though we do not celebrate Valentine’s Day, we do, however, celebrate the 21st as something very special for us.
February 2009

In February 2009, one week after Valentine’s Day, Mr H. flew out to Ohio to meet me for the very first time. He had brought me a stuffed bear…which C had deemed his. Since this was the VERY first time we had seen each other I did not want to throw him into the lion’s den at my parent’s house just yet. So we drove to a pizza place called LaRosa'a and sat and talked for a while. I was so shy that I could not even look at him…I just kept smiling like an idiot. Once we were stuffed we drove to my parents and I introduced him to everyone. Everyone liked him…I remember we had the missionaries over that night. Everyone played games, sang songs, and talked. It was totally laid back. Once everyone went to bed and I laid C down Mr H. asked if I would be his girlfriend. Now this scared me, we had been talking on the phone for about a month but I did not know if I wanted to jump into a relationship just yet. I did not say anything, for what seems like an eternity, then finally I shook my head yes and the rest is history.
He had to leave to go back to Arizona 2 days after we met, but it was a lot of fun that weekend. I remember the last dinner we had before he left, we went to Cracker Barrel (that's another story) and I STILL couldn’t look at him; I was still so shy. It took another couple of times of him flying out here before I eased into being able to look at him. And now, there is no shyness about me with him.
So even though we do not celebrate Valentine’s Day we still try and make it a point to get out and do something for our so-called anniversary. Unfortunately, the 21st landed on a Monday, a day Mr H. is at work until 5 and goes to school until 9. So we did not get out and do anything. But it was still nice being with him when he got home.
October 2010

In February 2009, one week after Valentine’s Day, Mr H. flew out to Ohio to meet me for the very first time. He had brought me a stuffed bear…which C had deemed his. Since this was the VERY first time we had seen each other I did not want to throw him into the lion’s den at my parent’s house just yet. So we drove to a pizza place called LaRosa'a and sat and talked for a while. I was so shy that I could not even look at him…I just kept smiling like an idiot. Once we were stuffed we drove to my parents and I introduced him to everyone. Everyone liked him…I remember we had the missionaries over that night. Everyone played games, sang songs, and talked. It was totally laid back. Once everyone went to bed and I laid C down Mr H. asked if I would be his girlfriend. Now this scared me, we had been talking on the phone for about a month but I did not know if I wanted to jump into a relationship just yet. I did not say anything, for what seems like an eternity, then finally I shook my head yes and the rest is history.
He had to leave to go back to Arizona 2 days after we met, but it was a lot of fun that weekend. I remember the last dinner we had before he left, we went to Cracker Barrel (that's another story) and I STILL couldn’t look at him; I was still so shy. It took another couple of times of him flying out here before I eased into being able to look at him. And now, there is no shyness about me with him.
So even though we do not celebrate Valentine’s Day we still try and make it a point to get out and do something for our so-called anniversary. Unfortunately, the 21st landed on a Monday, a day Mr H. is at work until 5 and goes to school until 9. So we did not get out and do anything. But it was still nice being with him when he got home.
80's Party
So I have a lot of catch up on. I’m not nearly as good as some people are with posting. Putting two kids in the mix has really eaten a lot of my time. But I want desperately to try and capture what is going on in our hectic life and to document the progress our family makes. So with that said, I want to share what Mr H and I did this weekend.

My friend, turned 30 on Saturday and since this is a big birthday for her she wanted to throw a party…an 80’s party. She wanted everyone to come dressed up and party with her. Even 1 month old H dressed up.
There was 80’s trivia, games, music, candy, and a bunch of other things. She even asked us to gather a photo of ourselves from the 80’s. She included it in the ‘Wall of Shame’. Mr H. didn’t have any photos of him so I had to ask his Mom, I asked her for the most embarrassing photo she could find and she didn’t hold out on me. Of course, Mr H. had no idea I was going behind his back for this. Even when we were at the party he didn’t know his photo was up there…fanny pack and all.
We had a lot of fun. We LOVE her parties, she has a lot of them. She is the best party planner I have ever met. She actually was the one who threw my bachelorette party before I was married. She even does a ‘girl’s night’ once a month when she can and those are awesome.

My friend, turned 30 on Saturday and since this is a big birthday for her she wanted to throw a party…an 80’s party. She wanted everyone to come dressed up and party with her. Even 1 month old H dressed up.
There was 80’s trivia, games, music, candy, and a bunch of other things. She even asked us to gather a photo of ourselves from the 80’s. She included it in the ‘Wall of Shame’. Mr H. didn’t have any photos of him so I had to ask his Mom, I asked her for the most embarrassing photo she could find and she didn’t hold out on me. Of course, Mr H. had no idea I was going behind his back for this. Even when we were at the party he didn’t know his photo was up there…fanny pack and all.

We had a lot of fun. We LOVE her parties, she has a lot of them. She is the best party planner I have ever met. She actually was the one who threw my bachelorette party before I was married. She even does a ‘girl’s night’ once a month when she can and those are awesome.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
KK's Post
xxjygifgfjkltgggrrggrhfhkgjhgjhjkfkjfkfjlghygghygygeqqqqqqqghjhffhhghhyuuiikghfhghgfghhfgrjgrhuhegyehrjhrjojgkjjhfjhhjgfhhwhuyjhfjiurejrieojhhghghhghfggfgtgrhgffrhggdggrgdftgfdbfbvgfggfggghfghfhhhhghhhhghfgfgjhfhjhfhghhgjgfhfhbjhffjfhjghrjtgkhjgmjmjnbbhhhhyghgjjmom ytyhtngm klmfdkmn fmgbfob oo cb jfdihbj ij fffdsdfrersdfxkkghgbnnhhnnnv yyyydtggghmhhjjhjhdhhjjhjfdhjfdhgjjggghgzxklmhytgyhsyeyeyyyhreyruhhfhhhrghrjghtjkiikkkmg jjuutuiiuiiiuioikjkhyiiyyykukylkiklhlkkhoiotiklkymkjjkjkjhlkjkfkfkfkaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm hhjfhhhgghgfnhyvbmhngcioo, mihgiji kigiyhiij un i yh8jn, ijtyhf8uv junjigtfj8hhbhbhummmmmmjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhhgj
ghdgghfgfrtytryjygrhrgfggfjhghfghghfggfgvhgfhfg ghfgvfvfvbfbf ggfgfghgjgnjgjfkkhvgfhgdchjhgyghgfgfgfhgfhghgggfggfggggggggg
Hey grandma I know that I love you because you are going to get me that toy and the candy. Please please please get me that book please please.
Oh oh oh grandma grandma grandma please please please for that toy please for that book too! That's all I want to note.
Love, KK
ghdgghfgfrtytryjygrhrgfggfjhghfghghfggfgvhgfhfg ghfgvfvfvbfbf ggfgfghgjgnjgjfkkhvgfhgdchjhgyghgfgfgfhgfhghgggfggfggggggggg
Hey grandma I know that I love you because you are going to get me that toy and the candy. Please please please get me that book please please.
Oh oh oh grandma grandma grandma please please please for that toy please for that book too! That's all I want to note.
Love, KK
Sneaky Boy
A couple weeks ago I was cleaning or doing something that was distracting me from the kitchen area of the house. This was perfect for my sneaky little KK to do this:

He moved the chair over to the counter to get these:

I've never met another person who has liked Tomato's as much as KK. He would rather have tomato's than candy. He would have eaten the rest of the package if I hadn't noticed he was being very quiet...too quiet really!
He moved the chair over to the counter to get these:
I've never met another person who has liked Tomato's as much as KK. He would rather have tomato's than candy. He would have eaten the rest of the package if I hadn't noticed he was being very quiet...too quiet really!
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