Last week for FHE I read the story "The Tale of Three Trees" If you haven't read it, it's a must-have. It's my favorite children's book ever. Mr H. had never read it before and he really liked it. (You can buy it from Amazon for a penny!) It's about three trees who have such great dreams for what they want to become...but what is actually planned for them seems to be such a disgrace as compared to what their dreams were before they were cut down. But the book goes on to show that Heavenly Father has a purpose for us all. Even when we think the trials and the pathway our lives lead, at times, is not what we expect. But it just goes to show that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and if we only endure to the end we will be blessed. Every time I read that book it is so touching to me that I start to tear up a bit. The message is just so powerful to me, because I have felt as those trees do...that my pathway is not what I dreamed of and I feel that the book is speaking right to me. It is a great lesson for us all. But I just wanted to share that I feel so blessed to be a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a sister. I am grateful that Heavenly Father blessed me with Mr H. and an opportunity to have a complete family again...I would not have been married again if it were not for my Father in Heaven's hand leading the way. I did not want to be married...I was so hurt before and it made me afraid to trust again. I am thankful for the gospel and how it comforts me in times of need. For the first time in a long time I am full of love this Christmas season. I want to strive to become a better person this next year and I am excited to see what the year brings me. In the name Jesus Christ, Amen